But the World is Supposed to Hate Us!
"Right there, in Matthew AND John, Jesus said it. He said that the world would hate us. That's how I know we're right on track. When the world disparages us, that's just proof that we're doing what we're called to do."
But the world is supposed to hate us because we refuse to keep the
marginalized on the margins. Our standards are not only low, they don't
exist. We not only allow everyone into the fold, but we seek them out
and welcome them in, and that's why the world will hate us. . . not
because of our righteous indignation.
The world is supposed to hate us because we don't sit back and do nothing when the powerful oppress the weak. We fight the power on their behalf, with no regard for ourselves, and that's why the powerful will hate us.
The world is supposed to hate us because we feed the poor with no concern for their moral standing first. We don't require any kind of test to make sure they are worthy, we feed them because they are hungry and because Jesus told us to. No political or war powers will stand in our way. That's why the world will hate us.
The world is supposed to hate us because we don't succumb to the materialism that drives us to work harder so we can buy more. Our time and money are used to bring glory to God instead of polishing our stuff. Servanthood is more important to us than capitalism, and that's why they will hate us.
The world is supposed to hate us because we fight injustice, wherever it may be. We are bold in our defense of the mistreated rather than in defense of ourselves. We will root out wrong, even if it's taking place in our own backyard. They will hate us because we want justice for others . . not because our only concern is justice for ourselves.
The world is supposed to hate us because we are like Jesus, not because we are jerks.
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